Television, the magic box, which occupies a prominent place in the living rooms, entertains people practically all the twenty-four hours of the day through its programmes. By providing employment to millions of people and generating substantial volume of income, it has grown as a major economic activity in almost all the countries including India, since its invention during the middle of twentieth century. As an activity, it finds a place within the contours of culture industry in which cultural genres and economic norms are fused together by technology. Television resorts to a dual product marketing system, by which it manages to supply its products to the audience invariably as a free good and earn a substantial volume of income by selling its air time to the advertisers. The book may evoke keen interest not only among the researchers, but also those associated with TV Industry and policy making.
Economics of Culture Industry: Television in India
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Economics of Culture Industry: Television in India
1st ed.
Shipra Publications, 2010
xvi+206p., 23cm.
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