Education and Personality Development

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Education and Character building cover a wide variety of things such as early school education, parent-child relationships, student-teaching methods, motivation, theoretical and practical learning, school-college-university-interactions, employment etc. Educational psychology is also important because it covers both methods of learning and resulting knowledge base. This book describes all important sides of educational psychology, character formation, necessity of human perfection through learning and achievements with the help of education. Presently even students belonging to respectable and rich family are easily attracted to criminal acts. They have been found to be involved in car thefts, cheating, robbery and other bad deeds. Reputed schools and colleges are in such lists where crimes are colleges are in such lists where crimes are committed. Even in U.S.A. many incidents of shooting have taken place. Simply moral policing can not5 produce good citizens. Some things are widely discussed in this book. It is hoped that the students an their guardians will follow suggestions described here and help society to produce perfect persons having the heart of a lion and mind Leonardo Da Vici, the greatest genius on earth.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dhirendra P. Singh

Dhirendra P. Singh, the author of the book has been experiencing pain at the sight of news which described that students from good institutions are many times involved in crimes in India. A prosperous country like USA is not without problem with students. Many deadly shootings have taken condemnable but cannot be ignored. Present chaos in the world such as irrational behaviour by highly educated persons who indulge in suicide attacks, destruction of society and a country does not lie simply in condemning such acts. It has become now imperative to impart right type of education and training. Only such attempts can improve the moral and ethical value of a person. Keeping these things Dhirendra P. Singh has ventured to write this book after visiting a number of institute such as University of Maryland, State University of new Jersey, Princeton University, Barnes and Noble book stores chain at Washington, Mary land. His interactions with the local environments helped him to conceive the subject covering education, character and perfection. He has already authored books such as “Astroquantum Philosophy and Science”,” Indian Heritage and Culture”, “Best Ideas for Everyone”, Female Psychology an Mysticism”. His works have attracted many press reviews and telecasts.


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Education and Personality Development
1st ed.
viii+257p., Index; 23cm.