We have entered into the threshold of the new century-and the new millennium faces the great challenge of adapting education to the changing needs of the society. With the scientific and technological advancement taking place in leaps and bounds, change is inevitable in all walks of life. In today’s competitive world, varied sources of information are trying to educate the future generation on a wide spectrum of knowledge. In order to fulfil the requirements of the new millennium successfully all nations must determine the extent to which their educational systems are preparing the next generation for successful participation in the existing enterprise. For this it is essential to understand the requirements, possibilities and problems of a country and prepare an alternative education system based on the challenges of the new millennium. This volume is a compilation of the important papers presented in the International Conference on ‘Education for the Survival of Human Race’ organised by Assam State Centre of Council for Teacher Education with cooperation of Rajasthan Council for Education and Management, on the themes like, education for peace, education for international understanding, education of youth for a better world, education for promoting women empowerment, education for learning to live, education for human rights, education for protecting the environment, education for sustaining economic development and so on.
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