The education should be considered as the most important activity forming backbone of a nation’s progress and achievement of 100 percent literacy in India is very essential for its all round development. Libraries also form a basic component of the history of human civilization. To achieve good level of literacy and education among the citizens of a country, establishment of schools and rural libraries are the basic steps towards development. Libraries, specially public libraries in developing countries like India, have a greater responsibility towards illiterates and neo-literates. Therefore, the importance and role of libraries in the development level of general education among rural masses have been explained in this study. The study contains chapters like the basic problem of the enquiry and the research strategy: conceptual framework of the study; the working environment of the field of study related to education as well as libraries; analysis of data collected through various means about the present situation of education and libraries in the area of study; findings and suggestions have been given in detail alongwith a model development plan for libraries in the state of Rajasthan.
Digital Technology in Education
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