Scholars opine that, historical research is critical search for truth about the past. Historical research in education is an inquiry about educational phenomena as they emerged, existed and developed further. Historical research employs historical method of study in education. It aims to ascertain the nature, causes and reliability of educational happenings of the past with a view to contribute to better understandings and interpretation of the present and the future. Historical research in education includes that are common to all other investigations, but the nature of its subject-matter presents some peculiar difficulties that necessitate application of some special standards and techniques. Reliance on dependable sources of information about educational phenomenon, authentication of sources and the validation of evidence through an elaborate system of internal criticism with humanly possible objectivity are the tools used for historical research in education. To satisfy desire of the educators and the educationists and curiosity may be another objective of historical research in education. All the aspects has been cleared in this book.
Educational Research
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Educational Research
1st ed.
Sonali Publications, 2007
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