Effect of Stress on Job-Satisfaction and Work-Values Among Teachers

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Teachers play the most important role in the teaching learning process. No system of education can rise above the level of its teachers. In the modern time female teachers work under time female teachers work under varying amounts of stress and strain. As an outcome of stress and dissatisfactions, they lose interest in their professional responsibilities and consequently students preparation for future life gets adversely affected. Stressful and dissatisfied teachers are likely to have less attachment with their institution and less dedication to their profession. Their low level of involvement unfavourable work values and dissatisfaction with teaching is detrimental for the interest of teaching as well as student community. This can bad to lowering the standard of education. So it is necessary to understand the stressors fell by primary and secondary teachers and the nature of impact that may be produced by stress on job satisfaction and works values. The present study was planned to study effects of stress on job satisfaction and work values among female teachers of secondary schools.


Poonam Singh, BS.C., M.Ed., and D.Phil. from university of Allahabad. Presently I am working as a psychology teacher in DRGI College, Allahabad. I am also a member of Association for educational Studies. I have been contributing research papers to various national journals and also associated with project work related to teachers and school students.


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Effect of Stress on Job-Satisfaction and Work-Values Among Teachers
1st ed.
viii+168p., Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.