Electronic Media

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The career-oriented focus of Electronic Media provides readers with a sound introduction to both basic concepts and emerging changes in the broadcasting field today. The professional broadcasting experience of this talented editor offers anyone considering careers in television, radio. Readers will gain a basic understanding of the history and technical foundations of electronic media as well as the daily business realities and likely future challenges facing today’s media professionals. The editor accessible and engaging writing style fosters understanding and encourages critical thinking on the complex issues that surround the way our culture interacts with the broadcasting media. This text connects the broadcasting developments of yesterday with the exiting technological innovations of today and speculates o future trends in the broadcasting industry by using a unique structure. This text helps students learn how to write effective copy for all types of electronic media with an emphasis on commercial writing. It begins with the introduction of the basic principles and techniques of good copywriting then moves on to dozens of skill-building exercises to put them into practice. This volume is a collection of time series statistics of electronic media in the India; chiefly broadcasting and cable, with some information on newer technologies. This book is beneficial for anyone interested in launching a career in the broadcasting industry.


M.M. Gaur is a professor of radio and television and Director of national School of Communication at the University of Mumbai. He Hyderabad and worked for broadcast stations in various parts of the country. He has authored many journal articles, is co-author of Electronic Media In Government, and has written chapters for several other books.


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Electronic Media
1st ed.
viii+248p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.