Microirrigation, also known as trickle irrigation, drip irrigation or localized irrigation is a highly efficient method of water application to crops, which provides about 40-50 percent water saving and similar increase in crop yield besides providing saving in fertilizers, energy and labor. Though better applicable in water scarcity areas to a wide range of crops it is specially suited for fruits, vegetables and other cash crops like cotton and sugarcane. Since introduction about 3 decades back its adoption has rapidly increased manifold globally including India. The total book is essentially a review work compiling several useful information under one title. It has broadly two groups, microirrigation elements consisting of the first 8 chapters and crop applications in 9th-29th chapters. The first two chapters give nature extent and scope; the 3rd chapter gives difference of microirrigationa and other methods, with the 4th chapter elaborating on microsprinkler system. The 5th chapter gives system components and design dealing with design of emitter and lateral spacing, design of laterals and system using theoretical formula as well as Nomographs giving worked out examples for a few crops. The 6th chapter deals with filtration methods, water quality standards for irrigation and affecting emitter clogging, filter selection guides and chemical treatment The 7th chapter deals with Fertigation and Chemigation. The 8th Chapter Standardization of equipments deals with the process of standardization based on Indian experience and gives lists of available standards from BIS, ISO, ASAE, ASTM and other standards. It also gives tests and equipments needed for drip lateral testing. Chapters 9th to 28th deal with brief review of published works on microirrigation on important fruits, plantations and vegetable crops. For each crop after the review salient inferences from review has been drawn and the inferences categorized according to issues. The last chapter is devoted on overview of water flow in soils in microirrigation wherein hydraulic properties, governing equation for unsaturated flow and a few boundary value problems are described.
Elements of Microirrigation and Its Crop Application
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Elements of Microirrigation and Its Crop Application
1st ed.
vii+811p., Tables; References; Index; 26cm.
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