The present book-Emergence. Of Elite Women in Politics in India. It examines the emergence of elite women in twin cities like Hubil-Dharawad in the light of modernization and democratization process set in India. It evaluates the role played by the agents of modernization like liberal and Rational education, democratic institutions and principles, social reforms , voluntary organizations including women voluntary organizations, freedom movement, etc, in creating awareness in people in general and women in particular about important role be played by women in the nation building process including building of integrative and all inclusive democratic system. It examines the linkage between independent variables like religion, caste, language, martial status, size of family, education, annual income of elite women and the degree of participation of these elite women in ten political activities like attending public meetings, participation in canvassing, involvement in procession and demonstrations, organizing public meetings, leading delegations to officials and elected representatives, propagating ideology of party, holding public offices in party organizations, contesting elections to public offices and holding elective offices in the representative institutions (which constitute dependent variables). It tries to assess the degree of participation of elite women in the political process on the basis of their socio-economic determinants. Conclusions are drawn in the light of hypotheses formulated and data collected and analyzed in the background of socio-economic determinants of elite women and degree of their participation in various political activities. It makes some valuable suggestions regarding universalisation of education, economic independence, reservation in elected bodies from village to Delhi, employment opportunities in public and private sectors, etc., for women.
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