Empiricism To Scepticism

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Empiricism to Scepticism is an in-depth study of the journey of British Empiricism, commencing with the idealistic as well as materialistic empiricism of Locke, and culminating with the skepticism of Hume. The thrust of the book lies in unravelling the root of this transition—from empiricism to scepticism—by tracing the thoughts of Locke and Hume to those of their predecessors and contemporaries. It has been shown that the immense influences of Aristotle, Descartes and the seventeenth century scientists on Locke, and the impacts of Locke and Berkeley on Hume moulded their thoughts in such a fashion that Lockean empiricism led the way to Hume’s scepticism. The study of British Empiricism from this point of view is expected to inculcate a new look at, and new interest in the subject.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sudipta Dutta Roy

Sudipta Dutta Roy (b. 1947) obtained her B.A. (Hons) degree from the Presidency College, Calcutta, M.A. degree from the Calcutta University, and the Ph.D. degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University. She was a Research Associate of the University Grants Commission for years. At present, she is a General Fellow of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research papers in renowned journals like the Journal of the ICPR, Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Prabuddha Bharata, etc. and a books entitled Empiricism to Skepticism: A Journey of British Empiricism from Locke to Hume.


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Empiricism To Scepticism
1st. Ed.