Empowering Rural Women: Issues, Opportunities and Approaches

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In most of the developing countries today, more and more emphasis is laid on the need for development of women and their active participation in the main stream of development process. IT is also widely recognized that apart from managing household, bearing children, rural women bring income with productive activities ranging from traditional work in the fields to working in factories or running small and petty businesses. They have also proven that they can be better entrepreneurs and development managers in any kind of human development activities. Therefore, it is important and utmost necessary to make rural women empowered in taking decisions to enable them to be in the central part of any human development process. The empowerment of women also considered as an active process enabling women to realize their full identity and power in all spheres of life. The present volume, consisting of 14 chapters contributed by renowned development experts, extension administrators, academics and policy makers from both developed and developing nations across the world, focuses the varied dimensions of empowering rural women as a central theme. The book is expected to be of great help to students, scholars, policy makers, women activists, development administrators and NGOs working for rural development throughout the world.


Dr. Ranjit Kumar Samanta (b. 1950), obtained M.Sc. (Ag) from University of Kalyani, West Bengal. He was awarded Ph. D. degree in Agricultural Extension by the B.C. Agricultural University, West Bengal in 1978. Dr. Samanta began his teaching career as Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension at B.C. Agricultural University and then Joined Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1976. Further academic training of Dr. Samanta has been both in India and in the United States of America./ Dr. Samanta’s areas of specialization are Technology Transfer, Development Communication, Rural Development and Human Communications in Organisations,. He has to his credit six books and over 80 research and otoher professional papers on those disciplines. Presently, Dr. Samanta is Faculty Member and Head, Transfer of Technology Systems and Politices Unit at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad, India.


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Empowering Rural Women: Issues, Opportunities and Approaches
1st ed.
xvi+255p., Figures; Tables; References; 23cm.