Encyclopaedia of Administrative Law (In 5 Vols.)

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The growth in administrative law has to a large extent mirrored the increase in the level o state involvement in many aspects of every day life during the twentieth century, generating the need for a coherent and effective body of rules to govern relations between individuals and the state. Students of constitutional law will readily recognise that administrative law is in reality an out growth of the doctrine of the separation of powers. It is evidence of the judiciary acting as a check on the powers of the executive, and perhaps even the legislature, in some respects. It should not be assumed, however, that any such coherent and effective body of rules actually exists yet. Administrative law is a constantly evolving subject. In view of the above consideration in mind about the administrative law, that a comprehensive encyclopaedia has been prepared which focuses on the comparative dimensions of administrative law.


Dr. Sita Ram Sharma is an expert on International affairs. Besides this he has written on many International events so far. He is biographer of Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, Dr. K.R. Narayanan former Presidents of India Bill Clinton former President of US which were vey much acclaimed in the international academic circles. Dr. Sharma is a historian, an educationist and a scholar of eminence who has published more than five hundred books so far. Most of the publishers deem it a privilege to publish Dr. Sita Ram Sharma’s books. He is very much respected in America and Germany. He has been a UNESCO Scholar in Philipines and a Colombo plan scholar in Newzealand.


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Encyclopaedia of Administrative Law (In 5 Vols.)
1st ed.
viii+190 p.; viii+340p.; viii+335 p.; viii+297 p.; viii+235 p., 23cm.