Constitutional law provides for us to act collectively by coordinating the interests of many individuals for example by voting processes or judicial orders. It also tries to protect individuals against abuses by those to whom power is entrusted, it being a sad feature of human nature that those who seek power may be unsuited to exercise it. The political system of which the constitution is merely a skeleton can of course by any thing that the dominant groups in the society manage to impose on the people by appeals to morality or vested interests or by means of coercion charismatic leadership or salience upon apathy. The present encyclopaedia provides a comparative view of the actual functioning of the constitutions off the United States of America, Britain, Canada and India and briefly touches on other constitutions of the world. This Encyclopaedia is the first of its kind which has been published in India and may provide material which can be used by other developing countries. Most of the developing countries are still in the experimental stage in regard to constitution making and their actual functioning.
Sociology of Education
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