Educational philosophy is the study of the purpose, process, nature and ideals of education. It comprises of the many schools of thoughts which have led to the establishment of educational institutions involved in imparting education the world over. Much of this educational thought has stemmed from the historical recognition of societies to equip their people with the skills and knowledge to produce goods and services, stretch their capabilities to the limit, become creative human beings, and satiate their curiosity as well as aesthetic desires. The present publication, Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy, concentrates its focus onto providing a comprehensive and incisive insight into the development of educational philosophy from its origins throughout the ages, and its contemporary stand on educational issues. Written in five volumes, it takes a pragmatic approach to delineating the philosophical foundations of education enumerating upon the thoughts of major philosophies in this field, and contextualising them within their contemporary needs and times. It is hoped that the erudition and insight of the work serve well for all the readers.
Culture & Ethnology
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