English literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of English spoken around the world. Whether in the genre of prose, poetry, lyric, drama or novel, it circumscribes a large body of work which undoubtedly ranks amongst the finest and richest bodies of literature in the world today. Running a remarkably continuous course of development and innovations through the ages, the literature of the English language is undoubtedly one of the finest and richest, incorporating creations of the human mind which are no less than rare gems. This comprehensive work in ten volumes is written for the use of college students, professors and lectures. Giving a coherent outline of the development in English literature, it gives due regard to the national cultures of the writers in the languages. It also provides for appreciative interpretation of the works of most prominent authors and poets, bringing within its purview the rigmarole of literary criticism, its contribution and influence on English literature. Incorporating such matters as genres, styles, techniques and the external factors which influence writing this work undertakes an arduous task in bringing under one head a compendious, yet informative encyclopaedia on such a vast topic as the origin and progress of English Literature.
Reflections on World Literatures
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