Encyclopaedia of Environment has a wide coverage and comprehensively studies the global environmental change and environmental degradation mainly caused by human interference — air pollution and ozone depletion, greenhouse effects, climatic change, land degradation, deforestation, desertification, loss of biodiversity, surface and groundwater contamination, hazardous wastes and agricultural pollution, and several other problems related to environment that are of primary concern. It is highly likely that environmental degradation would reduce the capacity of human societies to maintain their lifestyles at existing levels since the driving forces of global economy may no longer be able to use in sustained manner the limited resources of the earth. Although the consequences of environmental degradation are sometimes not recognized but in many cases they are intentionally ignored because of the illusory higher economic gains. Realising the urgent need for arresting the trend; for developing awareness in the readers about the preservation of biodiversity and its significance for life, sustainability and equity; and for warning against the consequences of environmental exploitation as well, the present Encyclopaedia of Environment has been compiled. It not only studies the problems related to environment but also suggests suitable remedial measures. Attempts have been made to include in these well-documented volumes all the latest major policies adopted by the United Nations Organisation and its affiliated agencies as well as by the developed and developing countries across the world. The first four volumes of the Encyclopaedia include papers on Environment, Glossary of Global Warming and a detailed bibliography to enable the readers to persue the study further. The following five volumes include International, Regional and National Conventions; Protocols; Treatises and Agreement Relating to Environment and the Indian laws for Clean Environment, and Pollution Control. The book would be highly useful for students and researchers engaged in the study of environment. It would also be useful to government executives and NGOs concerned with environment and pollution problems. Since the laymen are deeply interested in clean environment, the book would be of great interest to them.
Encyclopaedia of Environment: Environment Problems and Policies (In 2 Volumes)
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Encyclopaedia of Environment: Environment Problems and Policies (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.
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