Unnecessary and unwise encroachment on nature, excessive exploitation of natural resources, scientific advancement and resultant refuge, fumigation and noise have totally polluted the entire environment on the earth. Greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, Bhopal gas tragedy, Minamata Bay incident, Chernobyl disaster and like many more incidents has alarmed the situation. The pollution state of various resources has deteriorated to such an extent that survival of human life is at stake. Various species of fauna and flora are either vanished from the face of earth or are at the brink of extinction. The ever increasing pressure of population and misuse and overuse of natural resources is deteriorating environmental conditions. On one hand the advancement of science and technology have added to the human comforts by giving us automobiles, electrical appliances, supersonic jet, space crafts, better medicines, better chemicals to control harmful insects and pests etc., but, on the other hand, these have caused very serious problems of environmental pollution. Hence arises the need of creating wide awareness about pollution control, and study-in-depth the root causes at micro and macro level. The findings of various researches on this crucial issue covering all aspects of environment are incorporated in this work. Here, we are presenting the Encyclopaedia of Environmental Pollution and Awareness in 21st Century in fifty volumes with a view to make people conscious about the seriousness of environmental pollution in the present time and suggesting remedies.
Encyclopaedia of Environmental Pollution and Awareness in 21st Century (Vol. 1-10.)
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Encyclopaedia of Environmental Pollution and Awareness in 21st Century (Vol. 1-10.)
1st ed.
viii+257p.; viii+281p.; viii+266p.; viii+251p.; viii+285p.; viii+266p.; viii+276p.; viii+270p.;viii+260p.; viii+263p., 23cm
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