Women have witnessed acute socio-economic problems in male-dominated society in the annals of Indian sub-continent. However, they maintained their identity and consequently emerged as a useful partner in the household affairs. The theme has been comprehensively weaved into four volumes, viz., ancient, medieval and modern India with a thrust on freedom struggle for Swaraj. It has vividly described status of women during the phases of history; her rights and duties, standard of education, lives of Devadasi and widows, female slaves, divorce, remarriage system, the Muslim queens, participation of women in three major movements during Gandhian era, and their sacrifices, status of Dalit women, socio-economic regeneration, nuns in Kerala, women and family welfare, role in labour force and vision of Annie Besant. These volumes would be useful for social scientists, researchers and students in India and abroad.
Encyclopaedia of Indian women through the Ages (In 4 Volumes)
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Encyclopaedia of Indian women through the Ages (In 4 Volumes)
1st ed.
274p.; 286p.; 316p.; 352p., Tables; Figures; References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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