Encyclopaedia of Library Information Systems and E-Journal Archiving (In 2 Volumes)

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The digital or virtual libraries have brought the revolutionary changes in the entire concept of library organization, management and operations. To peep into it, library and information science professionals, need to get ready to face the challenges emerging due to the adoption of newer technologies. In this book an attempt has been made to synthesize all aspects of digital libraries and to put them in the systematic order at one place to understand the conceptual phenomena and to render the better services. This book deals not only with the theoretical aspects of digital libraries but there are also some case studies which show the path to go ahead. The book deals with the science of library and information management as it increasingly becomes important in the present age. A comprehensive analysis of the introduction of electronic services in libraries to new technology has been emphasised upon. With its erudite exploration of the issue, the book would be of immense use to students and faculty alike in the field of library science.


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Encyclopaedia of Library Information Systems and E-Journal Archiving (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.