Through intentions we choose experiences that change how we think. As a fixed thinker we choose known or knowable experiences that make us think like a professional and as a fluid thinker we choose complex experiences that make us think creatively. Each process is different, coming from different parts of our minds and requiring different parts of our minds and requiring different kinds of behaviors. Think of the fixed as reading about teenage behaviors and the fluid as actually raising a teenager — they’re profoundly different ways of educating ourselves. Are you getting a fluid thinker’s education? You may be if your life looks like this: The author observe what he does and question it. He seeks others who question him. Keeping attuned to himself keeps him attuned to others. Books and ideas are fine, but he needs experiences and people too. Hobbies, sports, interests, vacations, new experiences–that’s his classroom. He finds that work and play are much the same for him. Covering a wide range of thinker topics, these volumes are packed with enormous conceptual and factual knowledge which shall be useful for the teachers, students, academicians, policy makers and for those who are interested in educational thinker.
Encyclopaedia of World Great Educational Thinkers (In 2 Volumes)
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Encyclopaedia of World Great Educational Thinkers (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.
Alfa Publications, 2008
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