Dictionary is something that one keeps referring to time and again. Whenever the word dictionary is used. One is determined to think of a dictionary of English language. But contrary to that, this series consists of dictionaries on almost all the subject that one can think of, be it economics or genetic engineering, to something so uncommon and least thought about as astronomy. This series is an attempt to provide the readers with a repertoire of terms in almost all subjects that are taught at the university level. The presentation and instructional strategy used in this series have been selected keeping the sole aim of clarity and clear comprehension in mind. The explanation is concise and supported by informative illustrations and examples. This series is designed with the sole objective of creating such glossaries that act as ready reckoners for those who refer to them. The word geography comes from the Greek word ‘Geographia’, which means “earth descriptionâ€. It is the science that deals with the structures and processes of the Earth’s physical and human environments and the interactions between the two. Geography basically refers to the physical features of a region, area or place. The sole objective behind the compilation of the dictionary is to provide the readers with a ready recknoner for the subject. The repertoire tries to explain almost all the terms related to the subject in a simple and concise manner. Appropriate examples and pictures have also been used to enhance the reader’s understanding and satisfaction level. It caters to the needs of all types of readers, be it a beginner or a layman to the subject, or a person conversant with the subject. The dictionary acts as a guide for the beginners and a referral for those already into the fields.

Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Geography
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Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Geography
1st ed.
200p., Figures; Plates; 23cm.
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