This encyclopedia on Mechanical Engineering provides a compact yet comprehensive source of information of particular value to the engineer. Although intended as a handbook it should also find its way into the libraries. Written in clear, simple language understandable to the general reader, yet in-depth enough for scientists, educators, and advanced students, this encyclopedia is also suitable for nonnative English speakers and translators with no engineering experience. The material in the text is introduced at a level that an average student can follow comfortably. Special effort has been made to appeal to students’ natural curiosity and to help them explore the various facets of the exciting subject area of mechanical engineering, while providing students with a perspective of how computational tools are used in engineering practice. Figures and illustrations attract attention and stimulate curiosity and interest thus forming important learning tools that help students get the picture. The work is designed to give readers direct insight into the main error sources occurring in their profession, especially those resulting from a poor understanding of the subject matter and the usage of particular terms to designate different concepts in different branches of mechanical engineering. Carefully reviewed for clarity, completes, and accuracy, this Encyclopedia of Mechanical Engineering offers a standard of excellence unmatched by any similar publication.
Utilization of Electric Power Including Electric Drives and Electric Traction
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