This book comprises a careful selection of materials for the students to assist them in their understanding of English language and literature. It is an expanded updated and comprehensive study of English Composition and literature. Here the students will get exposed to the simpler uses of English language its common idioms and the fundamental elements of its grammar. Already the spelling and the commonest uses of the marks of punctuation pauses question mark, exclamation point colon semicolon and comma have been learned. Right from the beginning of the high school course the students are asked to learn the ingredients of speech which form the sentence and finally human speech which in turn enables humans to communicate adequately their ideas and thoughts.
This study pays enough attention toward word usage syntax paragraph narration exposition description English Composition and gives and interesting introduction to English Literature.
We are sanguine that the students and other readers will be immensely benefited by this book and enjoy its most direct lucid and comprehensive style.
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