The present book Entrepreneurs and Social Fabric is generated from a research study undertaken for the award of the Ph.D. on the Yemmiganur Weavers’ cooperative society, with a fieldwork focus on the weavers of one of its main branch villages. The book reflects the grass root realities recorded through the research focusing well at the local level by establishing good relationships in the local community. Further, the field level observations are combined with a very extensive reading in the literature of entrepreneurship and of the co-operative movement in its origins in Britain and its success in India. The data is analyzed methodically and crafted into a book of excellent style where a series of apposite illustrations also are presented, in support of the findings. The material in this book assumes utmost importance in the present context as it dwells on how traditional enterprises are turning highly entrepreneurial while adapting to the changing circumstances, in order to survive and compete in the market. The book makes a useful addition to knowledge of weaving industry, and of the interactions of tradition and modernity. A must for weavers, weaving industry, students and anthropologists.
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