Enviornmental Issues and Challenges in India

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The environment is a scarce resource with many conflicting demands placed on it. All demands on in environmental services are increasing. The major cause being economic growth, an ever increasing demand for materials and energy. An increase in waste output an increased demand for environmental quality. Blind material and monetary growth has reached a threshold where it is leading to destruction of our natural wealth, mother earth, environmental assets and free GIFTS of nature. A post industrial world requires an economic of sustainable quality, unhindered supply of bounty of nature, where both money and matter are back to a status of means to an end. Green economics is taking into account both human as well as environmental need. Environmental economics deal effectively with the problems ranging from air, water pollution to global warming. This book on environmental economics is collection of articles received from authors from different universities of the country. There are in all 13 papers contributed by learned authors focusing different facets of environmental degradation, issues and concern. Authors have delved deep into problems concerning environmental purity and its preservation.


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Enviornmental Issues and Challenges in India
1st. ed.