Environmental Education

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It’s long; the environmentalists of vision started their campaign to enlighten the masses an the different governments about the possible fall out of the ecological degradation. The first among them was Edward Goldsmith who anticipated the civilizations’ devastation because of fast economic growth after the industrial revolution in the middle of nineteenth century. The father of the Indian nation and an apostle of peace, Mahatma Gandhi realized the impact of industrial development in the beginning of the nineteenth century and expressed his deep concern about ecological environment. Other environmentalists including the living legend Mr. Sunder Lal Bahuguna dedicated whole of his life in defending the ecological environment. The reference to ecological environment would be incomplete without the mention of the saint of Pingalwara, (Late) Bhagat Puran Singh who spared no effort to spread ecological awareness and his successor Dr. Inderjit Kaur who is following in his footsteps. Ms. Wangari Maathai did an honour to the Noble Prize by making it green and his holiness the spiritual leader of Tibetans Mr. Dalai Lama and the honorable Prime Minister of the country Dr. Manmohan Singh have stressed the need for a balanced and sustainable development. The first citizen of the country, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in his ten point programme to the youth of the country made it a point to direct them to plant trees and desist from deforestation. This book is a humble effort of the authors in this direction. The edited volume contains distilled wisdom on the subject of environmental education and ecological degradation.


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Environmental Education
1st ed.
xx+260p., Tables.