This book entitled "Environmental Impact Assessment and Management", embodies 15 chapters covering a wide spectrum Chapter 1. Contains details of EIA, basic elements and methodologies. Further, important guidelines to be followed before establishing industries, water related projects and transport related projects are narrated in chapter 2. Important case studies of EIA viz, second stage expansion of Malpe Fishing Harbour, human impact on Himalayan Ecosystem, Konkan Railway Project, heavy metal pollution in the Coovum river, an impact prediction for an irrigation project and impact of cement making on the air quality of Coimbatore, are dealt in Chapter 3. Once a project comes into existence, it results in side effects of the immediate environment which are evident on the consecutive 5-10 years of operation. Therefore, its efficiency and pollution abatement systems should be checked and corrected in a manner similar to financial auditing and this aspect has been incorporated in Chapter 4. Now-a-days due to the rapid process of urbanization, all the cities of India have accumulated a lot of filth leading to ghasty smell, loss of property value and the spread of diseases. In order to have a clean environment, we have to have a systematic refuse management package for Indian conditions. As illustrations of this view, the urban solid waste management in Hyderabad, Shimoga and Rourkee cities have been explained in the chapters 5 and 6 respectively. The consecutive chapters deal on various other aspects such as coastal zone management, deforestation, impact of mining on fisheries, wild life management, termite pest control, bioremediation of wastes by hydrophytes, role of remote sensing in EIA, Kaiga environment and management of food protection.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Management
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B.B. Hosettti (b. 1957) M.Sc.; Ph.D. Reader and Chairman in Department of Applied Zoology, Kuvempu University, Shankarghatta, Shimoga District, Karnataka, possesses many years of experience is an outstanding teacher and researcher. He is a recipient of all the meritorial fellowship awards of CSIR, New Delhi, India (JRF, SRF and RA). He did his Ph.D. degree on the topic related to biological treatment of wastewater using waste stabilization pond process from Karnatak University, Dharwad in 1987. He has received Young Scientist Award from the Society of Biosciences, India during 1989-90 for the work on wastewater enzyme assay. Worked as visiting faculty member at the Environmental Resources Department, University of Salford, U.K. under Leverhulme Fellowship Programme during 1990-91. He has also worked at Environmental Science Programme, University of Mzssachusetts, Amherst, USA as a visiting faculty member during 2003-04. He has written six book and more than 100 research papers and reviews in national and international journals. He has been nominated as Research Board of Advisors for the for the ABI Institute for Who's Who in the World, USA. He has also successfully guided five candidates for Ph.D. degree. His special interest includes Environmental Pollution Abatement and Wildlife Management.
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Environmental Impact Assessment and Management
xxviii+382p., Figures; Tables; 23cm.
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