The constituents of environment are transnational and follow no artificial boundaries, national or state. The environmental nuisance in one state pollutes the environment of the other. While meeting the industrial needs of one state not only local environmental disturbances are created but the environment of the other states also are affected. It is worth noticing that, greed of a few advanced nations leads to the environmental tampering of a majority of the states. This type of feeding of the industrial needs at the cost of environment and the need of replenishing the environment to a sustainable level as also the problem of "unlimited wants v/s limited resources" lead to the economics of environment. The environmental pollution by the Developed Countries (DCs) arises much more due to the "greed" rather than the "need" factor dominant in less developed countries (LDCs). This "greed" versus "need" phenomenon gives rise to disparities in the economics of environment between developed and less developed economies. The present work attempts to analyze and delve deep into the problem aforesaid. The main theme of the present work – the disparity in the economics of environmental pollution between developed countries and less developed countries" has been discussed in chapter 4 of the book. Underlining the various issue of disparity is the main thrust of this chapter. The present work concludes that for lower level of asymmetry in the economics of environment, adoption of lower energy consumption cycle, eco-friendly development, harmony with nature, easy transfer of technology and adoption of polluters to pay" principal is very essential. This can be done by developing a better understanding between DCs and LDCs. Because DCs are rich in resources and able to develop environment friendly technologies, they should come up and take the initiative. The existence of humanity is at stake and the failure of DCs to come forward with open hearts will bring the end of our beautiful planet closer.
Cultural Geography
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