Epilepsy: A Curable Disease

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There have been very few medical conditions like Epilepsy, Which have generated so much of social, emotional and economic turmoil in the life of the sufferer and his or her significant others.  This book deals with all the problems arising out of this disease, which has afflicted the human race since its genesis.  There have always been people with epilepsy since the dawn of time, epilepsy has affected millions of people, form beggars to kings.  It is one of the oldest conditions of the human race with a rich and distinguished history.  Ancient people thought, evil spirits or demons that invaded a person’s body caused epileptic seizures.  Priests attempted to cure people with epilepsy by driving the demons out of them with magic and prayers.  This superstition was challenged by ancient physicians like Atreya of India and later Hippocrates of Greece, both of whom recognized a seizure as a dysfunction of the brain and not a supernatural event.  "Some of the famous people in history had seizures.  People with epilepsy have excelled in every area." Nevertheless, the superstitious interpretation of epilepsy has persisted for centuries. Attitudes of past societies toward epilepsy have left a legacy of stigma and damaging misconceptions, which still persist.  People with epilepsy continue to face fear, prejudice and discrimination in their everyday lives.


A Senior Consultant Pediatrician and Epileptologist did his M.B.B.S. (1972-1976) from King George's Medical College, Lucknow (India).  Specialized in Pediatrics from S.N. Medical College, Agra, (India).  He went to Australia as "Aus-Aid Fellow" and worked at several Australian hospitals including the famous Monash Medical Center at Melbourne and Women and Children Hospital at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.  He acquired P.G. qualification in Health Services Management from University of New England, Armidale, Australia in 1997.  The author received his Doctorate in Medicine on his work in "Childhood Epilepsy" and did research in other childhood diseases.  His research papers were accepted at "National Conference of American Academy of Pediatrics", "American Epilepsy Society's Annual conference at Seattle and conference of International league against Epilepsy" at Tokyo, Japan.  He was invited to deliver "Guest Lecture" on "Social Issues in Epilepsy" in International Conference of 8th Asian & Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology, New Delhi.  India organized by AIIMS, New Delhi.  He chaired scientific sessions on "Febrile Encephalopathies" in National Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics at, New Delhi.  He presented his research work in International Conference organized by B.U. India and Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands in Jan 2004 and Jan 2005.  He has been conferred Hony.  Professorship for life by BU India for his Contribution in research in Medical field especially in "Childhood epilepsy".  This is his third book, the first "Child Behavior and development" is a comprehensive study of Adolescent Behavior and the second titled "Complete book of Pregnancy and Child Care" deals with neonatal & early child care.  Presently working as visiting consultant and clinical observe at Kalawati Saran Children Hospital and Lady Harding Medical Colleges, New Delhi.  The author is founder president of "Epilepsy care foundation of India"


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Epilepsy: A Curable Disease
1st ed.
xi+174p., Figures; Tables; References; 24cm.