Anthropological Survey of India has a long tradition of indepth study of a particular tribe staying with them for a long period. Initially the object was to grasp the cultural forms, the pattern of interaction between various groups and the process of socio-cultural change. The emphasis was to study the group as a part of Indian civilization. With the change of time, the emphasis was shifted to know to what extent the people have adapted themselves with the changing scenario. The present ethnographic study of the Chakmas of Tripura by Dr. S.R. Maitra is a continuation of this trend. The tribes of north-east India who had been living in relative isolation till recent past could retain their way of life almost undisturbed. However, in recent years one of these tribes, the Chakmas have been experiencing impact of several influences. This necessitated some cultural adjustment. In this process the Chakmas of Tripura have taken to settled cultivation leaving behind their age-old mode of Jhum
Negotiation and Social Space: A Gendered Analysis of Changing Kin and Security Networks in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
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