Eugene Gladstone O’Neill was born on October 16, 1888, on Broadway, New York. He was the son of James O’Neill, the actor of romantic and heroic parts, like Monta Cristo. He was the greatest American Dramatist who wrote many One Act plays and Long Plays. He was awarded Pulitzer Prices three times. He was ultimately awarded Noble Prize for literature in 1936. American Theatre was recognized as a nature theatre by the world because of Eugene O’Neill. Though he was a patient of TB and also suffered the creeping neurological disease his mind was working restlessly to create new literature with original ideas and tradition of his own. He left the world on the November 27 1953, leaving behind a large number of literary creations and host of admirers to mourn his loss. O’Neill does not carry any conviction or his personality fit into any category we may try to include. The same is the case with his writings. He has been liked, disliked, admired, despised but can never be ignored. His generation was yesterday’s it has shaped to day and will influence tomorrow. His writing reflects both how he lived and what the saw. Through this we can see the vision of O’Neill the realistic vision.
Amir Khusrau: the Man in Riddles
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