Evil in the Short Fiction of William Faulkner

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The journey of civilizations from times immemorial to the present day is an interesting and intriguing tale of struggle of man with forces that surround him and influence his very being. In striving to exist, humanity always came across crossroads of prevalent religious as well as mythological beliefs that shaped the destiny and dimensions of the future cycle of life. Such clashes between man and God as enunciated in the Christian point of view at the beginning of the civilized world later changed to man v/s man with the progress of science and technology. Consequently, the world experienced such calamities as war, racial tension, sexual perversions, and intrigues of all types that put together proved a constant threat to the humanity as a whole. Ironically, man did learn to land on moon but could not learn properly to live with harmony on earth. Faulkner’s corpus deals with such basic human instincts in the most subtle and distinguished manner. He had a knack for dealing with the most awkward human dilemma in a manner most poignant in appeal and understandability. His short fiction provides a panoramic view of different shades of human life woven in the most complex situations ever thought of. Faulkner’s penetrating vision not only talks of the root cause of evil but also brings to fore that man can by discipline and hard work achieve goodness in a world so profusely riven with evil.


Hemant Gahlot is Assistant Professor of English at Madhav Science College, Ujjain. He has published several papers on Hemingway and Faulkner. He has been teaching both language and literature at various colleges in Madhya Pradesh for the last 21 years. He was Organizing Secretary of National Seminar On ELT, between 17th to 19th December 1999, and National Seminar in English on ‘Sin, Suffering and Salvation in English Literary and Religious Classics’ between 19-21, October, 2002 sponsored by the UGC, CRO, Bhopal and held at Madhav Science College, Ujjain. He is member of the Editorial Board of Research 2000, a quarterly research journal of the Indore Research Society, Indore and life member of Indo-American Centre for International Studies, (Formerly ASRC), Hyderabad. He frequently translates from Hindi to English. His translation of some Hindi poems of Harish Pathak is due for publication.


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Evil in the Short Fiction of William Faulkner
1st ed.
x+105p., Reference; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.