Experimental Entomology: An Aid to Laboratory and Field Studies

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In this book the author has provided many techniques and protocols to handle insects in the laboratories for exciting interest in teaching and research. It is one of the pioneering efforts to make this science attractive to the students. The book provides several exercises in more advanced fields like insect physiology, biochemistry, histo-chemistry, ethology, biometry and statistics with some new trends in applied entomology. The laboratory experiments have been projected in a simple lucid style supported by richly illustrated figures, diagrams, histograms and graphs such that students also learn to condense their data in a scientific system. Although lengthy descriptions have been omitted, the theoretical considerations have been strengthened wherever necessary. The book provides a major stimulus to the scientific experimental approach for not only the academic pursuits but also to those engaged in more esoteric wide open field of applied entomology. The book is an indispensible source of information to Colleges, Universities, Research Institutions engaged in life sciences, bio-sciences, environmental sciences, pollution control, public health, social hygiene, agricultural science, forest conservationist and environmental engineers. The book is a source of inspiration to professional and amateur naturalists. It also forms a major intellectual aid to all interested in the science of insect life.


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Experimental Entomology: An Aid to Laboratory and Field Studies
1st ed.
xiv+384p., Figures.