Exploration in Development Issues

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I have done my research and writing predominantly on economic policy issues, be it trade and aid, development strategy, or food security. The articles are overwhelmingly policy-oriented; they tend to echo or represent the climate of debate, thinking and research in the different periods when they were written. The selection of articles was made in such a way that they fulfil, as far as possible, one or several of the following criteria: 1) they represent my main thinking and writing on that particular issue; 2) they were prominent in debate and discussion among academic economists/policy analysts during the time when they were written; 3) they retain some relevance and/or are of major or continuing interest in the current academic/policy discussions.


Professor Nurul Islam was successively (1955-1975), Professor of Economics, Dhaka University, Director of the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, (later Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies), Deputy Chairman of the first Planning Commission of Bangladesh.  From 1975 onwards he was Fellow at St. Antony’s College at Oxford University, Assistant Director General of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation and Advisor and later Emeritus Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute.  He held several visiting academic appointments at Yale and Cambridge Universities and both London and Netherlands School of Economics.  He was a member and later the Chairman of the UN Committee of Development Planning Policy He has written extensively on various aspects of trade, development, food security and public policy.  Among his published books are: Development Planning in Bangladesh: A Study in Political Economy (UPL, 1979, reprint 1993), Development Strategy of Bangladesh (Pergamon, 1978), Foodgrain price Stabilization in Developing Countries: Issues and Experiences in Asia (IFPRI, 1996) and Exploration in Development Issues: Selected Articles of Nurul Islam (Ashgate, 2003).


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Exploration in Development Issues
1st ed.
xvi+568p., Figures; Tables; Notes; References; 23cm.