Extraordinary Performance From Ordinary People

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The book is all about how an organization on the brink of collapse was brought around into a success story in a short span of four years. The author took over the reins of the oldest centurian Malayalam daily when everyone lost hope of its survival. The book reveals how as CEO, the author could make a speedy turn around by using conventional and timetested management principles, tools and techniques. It is in the style and the highly personalized way of its application that it makes unconventional and extraordinary. The frequent autobiographical flash back adds to the authenticity of the author’s conviction that impossible tasks can be achieved by any one with the right amount of inspiration.


Puravanthuruthil Kurian Abraham has been a journalist, editor and newspaper manager for the last six years. After a long career as manager at FACT (a government of India undertaking), he left it in 1992 (when he was deputy general manager) and joined the more than one hundred year old Deepika, the oldest Malayalam daily. He was Deepika’s MD and editor until April 1996. He took over the ailing Deepika and turned around the organization. He was the founder editor of ten new publications started for Deepika. After leaving Deepika he started a new publishing company (World News) and launched the first midday Malayalam daily, Rashtra Deepthi, from Kochi. Subsequently he rejoined FACT and headed their marketing division as General Manager. Presently he is the Director of MAR ATHANASIOS College For Advanced Studies, Tirvuvalla, which is a leading B and IT – School in Kerala. Abraham holds a Ph D. in economics, and postgraduate degrees in business management and and public administration. He was a member of the Kerala government Press Accreditation Committee. He was also a member of the executive council of the Indian Newspaper Society from 1992 to 1996.


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Extraordinary Performance From Ordinary People
1st Ed.
116p., b/w Plates; Index