This Books is an exact reproduction of the Tagore Law Lectures, this work is mostly based on Fatawa (decisions) pronounced by the Qazis The works of this nature are numerous and are mostly called Fatawa or decisions, with the names of their authors or compilers attached, but most of these contain, beside the decisions, the rules of Law as well Some of these Digests treat of Fiqh alone, others deal with Faraiz also, some treat of the decisions of particular lawyers or those found in certain books while others treat of the principles which tend to illustrate the doctrines of several sects A few of them however exclusively record the opinions of learned jurists
Of the Fatawas of the Hanafi School of thought, the best known are Khula sat-ul.FataWa by Imam Iftikharuddin Tahir Bin Ahmad Al-Bubbari who died in AH 542, the Zakhira-tul-FataWt by Burhanuddin Bin: Mazal Al-Bukhari, the fatawa i-Kazee Khan by Imam Fakharuddin Hasan Bin Mansur-Al. Uzjandi , commonly known as Kazee:Khan l who died in A..H. 592.
The Fatawa-i-Alamgir compiled during the reign of Emperor Aurangzeb . Alaingir is of special interest to Indo-Pakistan and being composed by a large number of the most learned lawyers of the age under the orders of a great Emperor it is esteemed as a very high authority in this part of the world.
This work is held in very high authority. It is replete with cases of common occurrence, and is, therefore, of great practical utility, more especially as many of the decisions are illustrated by proofs and reasoning on which they are founded.
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