Fr. Nelson Falcao, SDB has translated the Biblical Epic, I heartily congratulate Fr. Dr.Nelson Falcao. The importance of this Great Volume is not only because of its broad-mindedness but also because of ots importance in the literary field and in ancient Marathi Literature Research; due to this reason, this volume gains importance in Colleges and Universities.
This deep Research of Fr.Dr.Nelson Falcao, SDB is a great contribution from the point of view of contemporary Philosophy and Theology. This Great Volume is very important in the context of Inculturation, Inter-Religious Dialogue and Unity among all Religions.
Fr. Dr. Nelson Falcao, A.D.S. is a Professor od Philosophy and Theology. He teaches both Philosophy and Theology in various Colleges and Universities. He has completed his B.Ph. and M.Ph. in Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth, Ponitifical Athenaeum, Pune; B.Th. and M.Th. at Salesian Ponitifical University, Rome, Italy; B.A. in Socio-Education in Pune University, Maharashtra; Doctorate in Theology in Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pontifical Athenaeum, Pune. He has many books and articles to his credit. The following are some of the titles of his books: i) Knowing according to Bernard Loneragan, Rome 1987; ii) Theology of Cooperation, Rome 1988; iii) War- Peace, Rome 1988; iv) Educating Youth to the Fith in a Multi-Religious Context, Calcutta 1990; v) A Chruch of th Laity according to Paul vi, Bangalore 1991; vi) Kristapurana: A Christian- Hindu Encounter- A Study of Inculturation in the Kristapurana of Thomas Stephens, S.J. (1549- 1619), Anand 2003; vii) The Kristapurana of Thomas Stephens, S.J. (1549-1619), Translated by Nelson Falcao, Marathi Translation, 2009; vii) The Kristapurana of Thomas Stephens, S.J. (1549-1619), Translated by Nelson Falcao, English Translation, 2012;ix) The Passion of OL Jesus Christ according to the Kristapurana of Francesco Vaz de Gimraes, Pune 2012. - AWARDS : He has received about 20 Literary Awards fo his Research and Litersry work.
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