Aquatic Oligochaetes are very common micro-invertebrates in small, medium and large fresh water bodies and running waters of streams and rivers living in algae, aquatic vegetation, floating rotting material and in bottom mud. Dr. Stephenson published several papers on the aquatic and terrestrial Oligochaetes of India and published the Fauna of British India volume on Oligochaetes in 1923. Later Dr. Padmmabha Aiyer published some papers on aquatic Oligochaetes collected around Trivandrum from 1925-1929. Dr. Mehra published some papers on this group from collections made in and around Agra from 1922-1929. K. Vanamala Naidu published some papers mainly on South Indian fresh water Oligochaetes from 1959-1986. Worms belonging to the family Naididae is well represented in the Indian subcontinent, but those of family Tubificidae living in bottom mud of water sources are ill represented in this subcontinent while they are well represented in Europe and other parts of the world. This short coming in this region should be filled by future researches. Many areas in this subcontinent need extensive and intensive exploration for discovering more species of these Oligochaetes. Present work gives methods of collection, anatomical section dealing with internal anatomy, diagnoses of order, families, subfamilies and genera and detailed description of species, their habits, distribution in India and world with figures for each of 102 taxa of Aeolosomatidae, Naididae, Tubificidae, Enchytraeidae, Phreodrilidae, Lumbriculidae and Microchaetidae covered here. It is hoped that this work will be very useful in understanding the basic diversity of aquatic Oligochaetes and inspire further research in this field in unexplored and underexplored regions of the subcontinent. This book deserves a place on the library shelf of all research and academic institutions of higher learning in this country and elsewhere.
Fauna of India and The Adjacent Countries: Acanthocephala
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