Feeling At Ease With YourSelf: Twelve Principles For A Healthy Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit

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Always running to catch up! Huffing non-stop to climb up! Over stretched at work. Overloaded with information. Overfed with little or no exercise. Living today takes a heavy toll.

If you want to let go and feel easy, this book will help you to transform your life with twelve holistic, practical principles to overhaul you, your body, mind, heart and spirit. Laced with real life stories of changed lifestyles with easy to practice twelve principles and exercises to enable you to understand and implement them, this book is based on the personal trials and solutions of a highly qualified doctor.

After the introduction, each chapter covers one holistic principle that can easily become a part of any health management programme. The true stories inspire confidence that each principle works and can be implemented with simple lifestyle changes. Finally, the exercises help to implement them for all round holistic health. In short, feeling at ease with yourself.


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Feeling At Ease With YourSelf: Twelve Principles For A Healthy Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit
1st. ed.
xxvi+218p., 20cm.