Female Labour in India

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Female labour has been an important segment of the workforce of India. With the changing Socio-economic scenario, women’s productive roles have assumed new dimensions. The observance of the International Women’s Year in the last quarter of the 20th century, was a historic landmark in the calendar of women’s progress. Frankly speaking, it was in recognition of crucial importance and need that women’s participation has always been necessary for the success of social and economic development. Over the years, the main objective of the policies of the Government of India with regard to female labour has been to remove the handicaps under which they work, to strengthen their bargaining capacity, to improve their wages and working conditions, to augment their skills and to open up better employment facilities for them. It is hoped that Female Labour in India will be well received in various academic circles.


Dr. Usha Sharma a well-known academic and research scientist, has published several research papers in science and research journals in India and abroad. Dr. Sharma believes that science and spirituality do not conflict with each other. Scientific-spiritual perception of human reality can provide insights and help resolve various nagging conflicts. Besides being a scientist, Dr. Usha Sharma is also a social activist and a freelance journalist. Human rights, women's rights and criminal tendencies among the educated classes are some of her major concerns. She hopes that man is on his way to develop a world culture based upon the best that has been thought and achieved through time anywhere. For developing such a world culture, she is willing to strive along with others.


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Female Labour in India
1st ed.
x+434p., Tables; Notes; References; Index; 23cm.