With emancipation and education, and the awakening among women that spread to all parts of the world, it was but natural for feminism to grow into a struggle for women’s human rights. This book out lines the beginnings of the ferment of women’s liberation and feminism. It approaches the subject from all angles and puts it in the right concise style, it explains what feminism is all about, what are its linkages to human rights and humanism, how it evolved, how it grew from strength to strength despite pressures and obstacles set by vested interests and how it developed into a world-wide movement that finally came to be described as the women’s liberation movement, or women’s lib. The chapters include Issues in Feminism and Humanism, Cultural Basis of Feminism, Economic Basis of Feminism, Problems of Feminism and Marxism, Radical Feminism, Feminism’s Changing Role in Liberalism. The Age of Enlightenment and Feminism, Feminism and existentialism and The New Feminist Moral Vision. This comprehensive coverage will make this book useful for Indian scholars, educationists, researchers in women’s studies and sociologists to hone their own perceptions of feminism.
Feminism and Gender Equality
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Feminism and Gender Equality
1st ed.
viii+240p., Bibliography; 23cm.
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