There has been a sea change in the world agricultural scenario. Burgeoning population not only warrants improvement in productivity but also quality production in agriculture, dwindling resources ring a caution for the efficient use of inputs of land, seed, water, nutrients and plant protection chemicals. Judicious management of natural resources of land and water and external inputs of nutrients would help in not only conserving these resources but also improve the productivity per unit of land per unit of resources. Indiscrimination use of these resources has led to pollution of land, water and air, senseless destruction of biodiversity, deterioration of soil health and decline in productivity. Ensuring food and nutritional security with sustainable production system is the need of the hour within the domain of managers of these natural resources and external inputs of production. This book encompasses a) Nutrient management. b) Land management for irrigation. c) Irrigation water management. d) Fertigation and e) Chemigation chapters is seeing the light of the day to focus on water and fertilizer use efficiency in agriculture. The systematic exposure we had in the execution of the research project on Fertigation in tomato and green chilli of the ICAR Adhoc Project has motivated and helped in the comprehensive presentation of this book. This book will form a good reference to the students in agriculture, and horticulture, researchers and also farmers who are keen in furthering the cause of efficient use of resources in agriculture.
Fertigation Technology
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Fertigation Technology
1st ed.
Agrobios (India), 2009
xiv+250p., 12 Figures; 41 Coloured Plates
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