Indian culture and tradition is a collage of festivals and celebrations. Actually, almost every day in the Indian calendar is marked as a ‘Holy’ day of some sort or the other, identified in honour of the Gods and Goddesses. This is probably why the Indian mentality, in general, cannot spend too much time mourning, and bounces back to celebrating life as it is. The scriptures and the spiritual masters of the past and present preach the importance of celebrating each moment in life. In fact, they all insist on making life a celebration. Due to this inherent belief, there are always larger than life festivals that are celebrated through the year. These festivals are marked by exuberant celebrations. During each one of these festivals, people come together irrespective of their caste and class. Hatchets are buried and hugs and smiles take their place. New clothes, decorated homes, gifts, feasts, rituals; all mark the celebration of the various festivals. In this book, Shikkha has brought to us the major festivals celebrated in India. The festivals follow the Lunar calendar, or the Hindu Calendar; thus the specific dates for the festivals vary each year. However, the author has made a mention of the months in which each occurs. She has provided here a detailed profile of each festival, which includes the legends attached to their beginnings, as well as the way it is celebrated in the present day and age. Along with her informative descriptions is a collection of pictures that essay the colourful celebration attached to each festival. Every state in India has its own festivals that mark the harvesting season, their gratitude to the Gods and Goddesses they worship, their new year according to their calendar, etc. Each of them has a unique way of celebrating, and yet there is a thread of commonness amongst all of them, being–a feeling of togetherness, a feeling of unity. That feeling pervades through each festival celebrated, no matter where it may be. Joy, happiness, compassion, colour, celebration, festivity, oneness, ecstasy, enjoyment, cheerfulness, kindness, generosity, gratitude, honour, glory, prayer, playfulness, innocence, merriment, unity…are what make up the complete canvas of India and give it a unique character.
Festivals of India
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Festivals of India
1st ed.
vii+94p., Illustrations
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