Fish Chemosenses deals with chemosensory systems of fishes and covers the well known olfactory and the gustatory senses as well as the less popular solitary chemosensory cells. Research during the last few decades has shown that chemosenses play an essential role in the Life of a fish. They help fish in their search for food, to consume it and digest it. They also help fish to find their conspecifics and to avoid enemies or predators. Fish live in varied and often extreme ecological conditions frequently inhabiting niches such as caves or at great depths in the oceans. The chemosensory organs of such well adapted fish are highly specialized and evolved in contrast to the chemosenses of sight-hunting fish. Fishes have developed diverse strategies to survive within the widely varying water bodies, owing, at least in part, to the highly evolved chemosensory systems. A group of internationally well known specialists have contributed to this book. It contains six chapters devoted to fish olfaction, one chapter to solitary chemosensory cells and six chapters to the fish taste systems.
B.G. Kapoor was formerly Professor and Head of Zoology in Jodhpur University, India. He has co-edited several books including Sensory Biology of Jawed Fishes, 2001 (with T.J. Hara); Fish Adaptations, 2003 (with A.L. Val); Catfishes, 2003 (with G. Arratia, M. Chardon and R. Diogo); Communication in fFishes (with F. Ladich, S.P. Collinn and P.Moller); Fish Endocrinology (with . Reinecke and G. Zaccone), the last two being in press. All the foregoing titles are from Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH, USA. Dr. Kapoor has also co-edited: The Senses of Fish: Adaptations for the Reception of Natural Stimuli, 2004 (with G. Vonder Emde and J. Mogdans); Ichthyology Handbook, 2004 (with B. Khanna), both from Springer, Heidelberg.
Klaus Reutter was formerly a Professor in Neuroanatomy at the Anatomical Institute of the University of Tubingen, Germany. He studies Biology, Chemistry and Geography in Tubingen and Berlin, and in 1967 received the doctoral degree (Biology) and in 1976 “Habilitation†(Ph.D., Human Anatomy), both in Tubingen. He is/was a member of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, the Histochemical Society, AchemS and ECRO. He has written more than 100 original and review articles, chapters in handbooks and textbooks mainly concerned with the gustatory system in fish. He was Co-editor of “Chemical Signals in Vertebrates VII†(Pergamon, 1995) and Co-author of the textbook “Biologie des Menschen†(12.15. ed., Quelle and Meyer, 1989-2000).
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