Flora of Bankura District, West Bengal

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The present flora is the outcome of thorough botanical exploration of Bankura district for over a period of six years and forms a distinct contribution towards the knowledge of the forest Flora of Bankura District, West Bengal. The area covered by the present flora lies between, 22 degree 46′ to 23 degree 38’N latitude and between 86 degree 36′ & 87 degree 46’E longitude. It covers an area of 687124 sq. km. The contents included are introduction, classification, dicotyledons, monocotyledons, appendix, index of Latin names and index of local names.


Dr. M.N. Sanyal (b. 1931 ) obtained B.Sc. degree from the Calcutta University in 1952. He worked as a Demonstrator and then as a Lecturer in Botany in St. Columbas College. Hazaribagh. Bihar for more thank five years and obtained his M.Sc. degree from the Bihar University. Ranchi in 1960. He joined Ramananda College, Bishnupur (bankura), West Bengal in 1960 as a Lecturer in Botany. He was awarded D. Phill. Degree by the University of Calcutta in 1971 for his taxonomic work on the flora of Bankura district, West Bengal. He made comprehensive botanical tours over different parts of West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar (especially Chotanagpur), Orissa Delhi, eastern part of Rajasthan etc. and collected a good number of plants. Besides, he botanically explored and district of Bankura intensively and extensively for more than six years. His long experience in taxonomy has helped him in all respects in all preparation of the present treatise.


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Flora of Bankura District, West Bengal
1st ed.