Floriculture and landscaping, one of the important branches of Horticulture, has expanded by leaps and bounds during the last three decades and has assumed new dimensions with respect to its different disciplines. Due to enormous breadth and diversity of the subject, a number of books has been written dealing with specific branches of Floriculture and landscaping. The aspirants have to search through a number of textbooks, journals, magazines and periodicals to cover each topic of syllabus thoroughly. This is so because there is hardly any high quality book of Floriculture and landscaping that covers the entire syllabus of this subject for competitive exams. Keeping this in mind an earnest effort has been made to write this book very critically in a manner that they cover the entire main topic step-by-step.
No doubt the book would be of paramount importance for students appearing for interviews, viva voice, comprehensive and other competitive examinations, as it would help them to revise the entire course within a short time and recollect the vast knowledge they gained by reading different books. The book brings a unique opportunity to take an early leap and win the deciding edge in competitions.
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