Hotel industry offers several services. Food and beverage is one of the basic services, provided by the hotel industry. Quality of diet, nutritional quantity, vitamin contents and proper cooking are vital elements, the management has to keep in mind, while providing food services. In this age of globalization, competition in providing food services is on increase. Even MNCs have entered the arena and they are delivering better fooding and beverage services. In fact, it is a big challenge for Indian hotel industry, to cope with the situation. In India, food services are not upto the mark as per global standards. In this consumer age, takers are well aware of all aspects and very cautious about what they are getting. ‘Better services’ is the present day mantra. Taking wine and liqueurs is in vogue now. wines of good quality, especially of foreign origin are in great demand in the Indian market and it is available everywhere. It is a matter of contentment for us to make this book available to readers, researchers and academics. Suggestions from serious readers are highly welcome.
Food and Beverage Services
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Food and Beverage Services
1st ed.
vii+354p., Tables; Figuers; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.
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