Foods That Heal: A Guide to Understanding and using The Healing Powers of Natural Foods

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“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Our grandparents knew that, and so did their grandparents. The fact is that the world’s greatest civilizations have known about the healing powers of various fresh fruits and vegetables for millennia. Traditional healers have used time-tested ingredients made from natural foods as highly effective preventives and healing aids. Now, in this fascinating book, Dr. Bernard Jensen traces three pathway to maintaining vital health through the use of foods that heal. In the first half of this book, dr. Jenson focuses on the philosophy and ideas of Hippocrates, who first, “Let food be your medicine.” He then examines the brilliant work of dr. V.G. Rocine, an early twentieth-century physician who was years ahead of his own pioneering work in the field of nutrition. The second half provides an easy-to-understand guide to fruits and vegetables. Each listing in this section presents a history of use, a buyers’ guide, therapeutic benefits, and nutrient information. For those looking to improve their health, this book may help pinpoint the healing foods now missing from their diets. For those simply interested in taking a more active role in enhancing their health, this book presents an age-old, common-sense approach that can easily be incorporated into today’s modern lifestyle.


Dr. Bernard Jensen is one of America’s foremost pioneering nutritionists. Beginning his career in 1929 as a chiropractor, he soon turned to the art of nutrition in search of remedies for his own health problems. In his formative years, he studied under such giants as Dr.V.G. Rocine. Later, he observed firshand and cultural practices of people in over fifty-five countries, discovering important links between food and health. In 1995, dr. Jensen established that Hidden Valley ranch in Escondido, California as a retreat and learning center based upon the healing principles of nature. Over the years, dr. Jensen has received a multitude of prestigious awards and honours for his work in nutrition and the healing arts. These honors include Knightood in the order of St. John of Malta, the Dag Hammarskjold Peace Award of Belgium, and an award from Queen Juniana of the Netherlands. He is also the author of numerous articles and best selling books. At age 80, he continues to teach, travel, and learn.


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Foods That Heal: A Guide to Understanding and using The Healing Powers of Natural Foods
xiv+238p., Tables; Figures; Appendix; Index; 23cm.