Force or Dialogue: Conflicting Paradigms of World Order

Studies in International Relations

Book: 33

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The book presents the reflections of Hans Kochler, his articles and analyses, on the nature and requirements of a just world order. It relates to broadly politics and law, culture and identity, society and economy. The essays and lectures given in the period 2009-14 try to understand the foundations of dialogue, the role of culture, education and the social media in the emerging multipolar order and the existential and ontological underpinnings or preconditions of dialogue and cooperation. In an attempt to give an alternative vision of world order, they probe the hermeneutical character of dialogue and the deeper ontological structure of self-other relations and the man-world nexus. They take up themes like the structure of the international system, power politics, cultural identity and social justice, examining the Israeli aggression in West Asia, impact of globalisation, and terrorism and counter-terrorism.


Hans Kochler was appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations as international observer at the Lockerbie trial in the Netherlands. His experience gained at the "trial of the century" motivated him to reflect on the feasibility of international criminal justice and humanitarian intervention in the framework of the present unipolar world order. He provides an overview of international criminal justice since the 19th century and analyzes the modern forms of universal jurisdication, including the ad hoc tribunals of the United Nations and the International Criminal Court.


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Force or Dialogue: Conflicting Paradigms of World Order
Studies in International Relations
1st. ed.
xii+414p., 25cm.