Forest Tree Seeds and Nursery Management (Current Trends)

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A thorough knowledge of the behaviour of forest tree seeds is the basic key for successful raising of trees for reforestation programmes. The large-scale reforestation programme has necessitated the need of collection of large quantities of seed and that too the quality seeds. Hence, the seed is a very significant input not only in plantation forestry, which requires quality seeds and best nursery practices, but also for the regeneration of natural forests. So the quality seeds have direct and consequential impact on the quality of resulting seedlings and accordingly on the establishment of plantations/ forests. The natural regeneration of forests is not in congruity with the removals that coerce to resort to artificial regeneration. The reforestation programme requires large quantities of quality planting stock. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this edited book of accustom the readers with the prevalent practices in tree seeds and nursery. The book contains 18 chapters and includes seed production, collection and extraction, seed screening, seed dormancy, viability, storage, seed vigour techniques, site selection for nursery, seed sowing techniques, cultural practices, vegetative propagation and protection of nursery from insect pests etc. The book will be useful to those who are interested in the forest tree seeds and nursery techniques for raising seedlings/plants in nurseries and ultimately establishing plantations.


S.K. Lavania is an Assistant Professor, Agro-Forestry at the College of Forestry and Hill Agariculture, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Hill Campus, Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal for more than 10 years. He is also engaged in teaching and research. He has many research papers to his credit. His is involved in the standardizatioin of nursery techniques of tree species of agro-forestry importance.


Dr. Virendra singh, a renowed seabuckthron scientist, is well-known for his valuable contribution in the development of science of seabuckthorn in India. He has been working on seabuckthorn since 1993 and has traveled widely in remote Indian Himalayas and worked on various aspects like genetic diversity & improvement, introduction of exotic forms, propagation, cultivation and management of seabuckthorn. He is also instrumental in initiating the research on clinical and experimental studies and processing of various health products in his university and other institutions. Presently, he is involved in a number of multi-institutional research projects on seabuckthorn and has developed collaboration with other countries. He has contributed several papers on seabuckthorn in reputed international and national journals. He has also edited three books on seabuckthorn in association with several international experts. Dr. Virendra Singh has been elected Coordinator (South Asia) of International Centre for Research & Training on Seabuckthron, Beijing. He was also assigned the responsibility with three other experts, for writing the Constitution of International Seabuckthorn Association, of which, he was appointed founding member of Board of Directors. In order to enhance international collaboration and sensitize the Indian scientists, policy-makers and private companies, Dr. Singh, along with his team, organized the 6th International Workshop on Seabuckthorn in February 2001, at New Delhi. Dr. Singh has been elected Secretary of the Indian Seabuckthorn Association.


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Forest Tree Seeds and Nursery Management (Current Trends)
1st ed.
vi+278p., Tables; Figures; References; 23cm.